asset depreciation range system
- asset depreciation range system
, амер. система ранжирования амортизации активов [сроков амортизации активов\]*
Accelerated Cost Recovery System, Internal Revenue Service, asset class, useful life, asset depreciation range, Economic Recovery Tax Act, Tax Reform Act of 1986, Internal Revenue Service, accelerated depreciation, accelerated tax depreciation, alternative depreciation system
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система сроков амортизации активов: стандартные сроки амортизации, установленные Службой внутренних доходов США для различных групп активов; предусматривает верхний и нижний предел для каждой группы; ускоренная амортизация основана на среднем значении между этими двумя пределами;
accelerated cost recovery system.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "asset depreciation range system" в других словарях:
Asset Depreciation Range System — A range of depreciable ( depreciation) lives the IRS allows for particular classes of assets. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Asset Depreciation Range - ADR — An elective accounting method established by the Internal Revenue Code for tangible assets placed into service after 1970. Prior to the ADR system, there were over 100 asset classes for tangible property based on the taxpayer s business and… … Investment dictionary
Asset Depreciation Range — (ADR) The range of depreciable lives allowed by the Internal Revenue Service for a specified depreciable asset. The ADR system applies to assets placed in service after 1970 and before 1980, at which time the ADR system was replaced by the… … Black's law dictionary
Asset Depreciation Range — (ADR) The range of depreciable lives allowed by the Internal Revenue Service for a specified depreciable asset. The ADR system applies to assets placed in service after 1970 and before 1980, at which time the ADR system was replaced by the… … Black's law dictionary
depreciation — /dapriyshiyeyshsn/ In accounting, spreading out the cost of a capital asset over its estimated useful life. Depreciation expense reduces the taxable income of an entity but does not reduce the cash. A decline in value of property caused by wear… … Black's law dictionary
depreciation — /dapriyshiyeyshsn/ In accounting, spreading out the cost of a capital asset over its estimated useful life. Depreciation expense reduces the taxable income of an entity but does not reduce the cash. A decline in value of property caused by wear… … Black's law dictionary
Accelerated Cost Recovery System — (ACRS) An accounting method whereby the cost of a fixed asset is written off for tax purposes over a prescribed period of time. Instituted by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, and modified by Tax Reform Act of 1986, the system places assets… … Black's law dictionary
Accelerated Cost Recovery System — (ACRS) An accounting method whereby the cost of a fixed asset is written off for tax purposes over a prescribed period of time. Instituted by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, and modified by Tax Reform Act of 1986, the system places assets… … Black's law dictionary
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System — (MACRS) See Asset Depreciation Range (ADR); Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) … Black's law dictionary
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System — (MACRS) See Asset Depreciation Range (ADR); Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) … Black's law dictionary
ADRS — asset depreciation range system система ранжирования амортизации активов … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь